Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Adriana Rossi Blog Assignment 2

Chris Zedano

Chris Zedano, originally from Lima, Peru, has been living and working in New York since 2002. For this project, Staple Street, he has photographed some of New York’s most interesting characters on a street in Tribeca (Staple Street) that dates back to at least the early 19th century.‘My subjects are performers and interesting characters from New York City. It’s people that I’ve always been curious about. I found them through extensive research. I’d go through periodicals and look for articles about people that I find interesting for the project or sometimes articles on events in NYC. I would follow my sitters to their shows and meet more performers at venues. Also, I used to walk around the city and talk to people that I believed would be great subjects for the project.

Vee Speers

I found this artist in Feature Shot. his site: http://www.veespeers.com/.
She was born in Australia and living in Paris since 1990. Her work titled "Bordello" portrayed a romanic depiction of Paris in the 1920s.Vee Speer's work often portrays young models with "a quietly dramatic tension urging a reaction." These photos come from her series titled "The Birthday Party" which are portraits that remind us of our own childhood and what's it's like to pretend and enter the world of fantasy and imagination.

Susanna Majuri

Susanna Majuri (b. 1978 Helsinki) is a Finnish fine art photographer. She graduated from the Turku Arts Academy in 2004 and has an M.A. in photography from the University of Art and Design in Helsinki.In her photographs, Susanna Majuri captures short narrative scenes as though they were film stills of a story yet to be told. Her main characters, young women mostly, their faces hidden, give a distinct impression of being lost.She has had exhibitions in New York, USA and all over in Europe as in Finland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, Poland, Germany and France. Susanna Majuri has won the photography prize Gras Savoye Award in Arles, France 2005 and is part of the photographic movement Helsinki School.Majuri lives and works in Helsinki, Finland. http://www.helsinkischool.fi/helsinkischool/artist.php?id=9029

Tierney Gearon

Tierney Gearon started her photography career after being a model. An agent was impressed by her polariods taken of the other models she worked with, so she was encouraged to become involved with fashion photography. She did not discover her true artist voice however, untill an emotionally difficult time after the birth of her daughthers and the divorce between her and her husband. Her own children provide a powerful presence in most of her work. "Gearon’s talent lies in an ability to capture life with all its surreal twists and confusions, as negotiated by young people in an adult world... Freezing these moments seemingly through children’s eyes, Gearon presents us with the children’s complex mixture of innocence and insouciance, which comes from experiences as yet unmediated by grown-up sensibilities." http://www.tierneygearon.com/exhibitions/i-am-a-camera-gallery/

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