Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Devin Mace - 2nd Blog Assignment

Gillian Wearing

Signs that say what you want them to say and not Signs that say what someone else wants you to say


Gillian Wearing is British artist who became famous as a member of the YBA's (Young British Artists), which was a group of conceptual artists who showed their art together. While her art certainly came first (the 90's), upon first viewing her first major work, I felt a 'Post Secret' vibe to her photography. She has been quoted as saying that "I'm always trying to find ways of discovering new things about people, and in the process discover more about myself". In order to obtain these photos, Gillian Wearing stopped random people on the street and asked them to write down something about themselves and then she would photograph them while wearing the sign. The spontaneous quality of her work elicited some interesting responses and gave her photos a level of truth. She said "A great deal of my work is about questioning handed-down truths".

Robert Bergman



Robert Bergman, an artist that became famous only recently but has worked as an artist for quite sometime, takes color portraits in a style similar to street photography. The close up and intimate quality of his portraits make some people feel uncomfortable. While his photos seem to be a commentary on class, Robert Bergmen does all he can to conceal intimate details of his subjects. He excludes captions, titles and names to allow the portrait to speak for itself. He has said "It is my aesthetic stance. I don't want you to have any escape from simply reacting to the art... Telling the location sets up false assumptions. It undercuts your ability to understand and interact with the art. It subverts what I am trying to do."

Wayne Lawrence



both photographs from - Orchard Beach (The Bronx Riviera)

Wayne Lawrence is a documentary style photographer based in New York. He views his work as a 'visual diary of his life experiences'. The subjects of his photography are local people, overlooked by mainstream society. Lawrence was greatly inspired by Eli Reed and Richard Avedon, it was their work that first interested him in photography. Growing up an introvert, Lawrence decided he needed a strategy to successfully photograph people. Lawrence uses an interesting strategy in order to gain the trust of his subjects and to get them to feel comfortable with him, by engaging them in conversation.

Dominic Nahr



Dominic Nahr first established himself as a photojournalist in China, working for the South China Post. Now he works internationally, but primarily based in Africa and parts of the Middle East. Being born in Switzerland and raised in Hong Kong, Nahr feels that he never had a hometown to grow up in. Part of his interest in international photography is finding a place that he can call home. Although, the bulk of his work has stemmed from working in crisis areas in Eastern Africa, the Middle East, and Haiti. His work documents human struggle in the face of destruction, natural disaster, violence and warfare.

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